The most efficient pharmacy is within your system! It is called the Immune System.
The immune system plays a vital role in keeping the body safe and healthy. It protects
the body from harmful germs, viruses, and chronic illnesses. It is a complicated mix of
cells and proteins that guard the body against infection. On contact with any pathogen,
the immune system triggers a response. Thus, keeping the body safe by attacking and
removing any external threats that try to invade the system.
A healthy lifestyle can have a positive impact on the immune system. Incorporating
health best practices can help in keeping the immune system strong. This blog
highlights five ways to give your immune system the boost it needs.
Make Fruits and Veggies your BFF!
Consuming an adequate amount of nutrients as part of a varied diet is required for the
health and functioning of all cells, including the immune system. There is no specific
fruit that can guarantee improved immunity. However, a balanced diet can help better
prepare the body for any microbial attacks. Adding fruits and vegetables rich in
Vitamins C, Vitamin E, beta-carotene, and zinc is good for overall immunity. Add fruits
like oranges, kiwifruit, apples, pears, red grapes, lemons, onions, spinach, sweet
potatoes, and carrots to your diet.
A sound body requires sound sleep!
Sound sleep plays a crucial role in keeping the body healthy and energetic. A disturbed
sleeping pattern may lead to a higher level of stress hormones in the body. It may also
lead to more inflammation in the body. For adults, a minimum of 7 hours of sound
sleep maintains good health.
Exercise, Exercise, and Exercise!
There is no better way of respecting your body than to exercise. Exercise helps the
body from inside as well as outside. Indulge in any form of exercise and meditation. A
brisk walk of 30 mins, a gym session of an hour, a morning jog, or an evening Yoga
session, be it any form of exercise. Understand your body’s requirement and
adaptability to exercise and choose what suits you the best.
Hygiene First Approach!
If one thing the pandemic has taught us or made us more conscious about is the
importance of hygiene. Good hygiene is vital in avoiding the spread of infectious
diseases. It involves keeping all parts of the external body clean. It is pivotal in
maintaining both physical and mental health. So, always remember to wash your
hands before eating, wash your fruits and vegetables before consuming and adhere to
the hygiene first mindset.
Give up on habits that drag you down!
Boosting immunity is not a day’s job. It requires a lot of dedicated effort. Moving away
from habits like smoking and regular drinking can help you lead a healthier life.
Apart from these, some other factors also impact the health and the immunity system.
Your stress level, emotional balance, mental health, and food timings also impact your
immunity and overall health. Thus, aligning with a healthy lifestyle is the way to go!